• Professional Business Management: Thirty-two years of CEO management experience combined with Board Directorship in over two dozen companies in fourteen distinct industries including, but not limited to, International Business Development, Corporate Services, Oil and Gas, Real Estate, Timberlands, Environmental Services, and Banking.

    • International / Domestic Product Development and Sales: Successfully identifies, analyzes and creates innovative business solutions and products in both the domestic and global marketplace across multiple industries.

    • International Banking: OTB has developed and fostered successful relationships and partnerships within the Global Financial Banking industry.

    • International Business Corporations: Comprehensive understanding and experience building international companies and maintaining country specific operating requirements.

    • Personal, Physical, Cyber and IT Security: Developed partnerships and business ventures through the expansive global security network that includes top security processes and state of the art technology products.

    • Energy Industry: Expertise in Oil and Gas exploration/production and CO2 EOR (enhanced oil recovery). Extensive knowledge in solar panel and wind turbine development, construction, and related tax benefits and financing.

    • International Relations and Business Development: Combined travels to over 80 different countries with established high-level business relationships in both the private and public sectors.

    • Real Estate: Thirty years of commercial and residential design, development and construction. Extensive IRC Section 1031 expertise.

    • Internal / External Investigations: Global partnerships with the top investigative and security teams in the industry.

    • Timberland Management: Three decades of executive experience and knowledge in all facets of timber and timberland management with oversight of hundreds of thousands of acres.

    • Government Relations: Extensive experience in executing international and domestic strategies and networking with organizations between top level U.S. and foreign government officials and corporate executives.

    • Environmental Services: Thirty years experience in environmental hazardous waste cleanup and reclamation projects. Development and creation of over 4,000-acres of mitigation banks.
